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In-Class Essay也就是随堂essay,通常要求也一课时内完成,虽然多数In-Class Essay的字符数不多,写作难度也不大,但由于缺少了查资料环节与准备时间,特别考验一个学生平时的积累。一般的essay真不会写还能请教被人,也能找代写,但In-Class Essay只能独立完成。由于In-Class Essay能够反映学生真实的写作水平与临场发挥能力,也被导师重点关注,如果写的不好,很容易挂掉的,大家一定要认真对待。澳洲代写了解一波,支持exam代考


全文总框架:开头→主体段 1 让步→主体段 2 支持理由 1→主体段 3 支持理由 2→结尾


开头句型:… are confronted with …. Some people hold the view that …, but I firmly believe that ….

主题句句型(3 个主体段分别是):if/ when/ as

解释原因句型(3 个主体段分别是):this is mainly because/ this can be attributed to the fact that/ that is to say

举例子句型(3 个主体段分别是):this can be proved by the fact that/ one typical example is that/ there is evidence that

推结论句型(3 个主体段分别是):therefore, it is fair to say that/ as a result/ because of this

结尾句型:In conclusion, I am convinced that …. Only by doing so can we ….

示范题目:Should children be encouraged to watch TV?



主体段 1 让步:可以学到东西→很多教育节目→走进科学→学到很多课本以外知识

主体段 2:大多数节目不适合孩子→含有暴力场景→成人电视剧、卡通节目→影响孩子成长

主体段 3:损害视力→电视辐射很大,孩子盯着一个地方看太久了→电视的普及,近视的孩子越来越多→生活有诸多不便


我们示范其中的一个段落(主体段 2),争取除了框架之外,在3’以内搞定。


However, when the young are allowed to watch TV, they are exposed to many TV programs that are inappropriate for the young viewers. This can be attributed to the fact that many aggressive scenes are uncontrollably displayed in the programs. One typical example is that some TV dramas for adults or even animations may include two characters fighting fiercely in order to achieve their goals. As a result, the kids might be adversely impacted.


题目:Should governments impose a higher tax on fast food?




主体段 1 让步:对健康有好处→快餐对身体有坏处,税增加了,价格贵了,买的人少了→快餐高热量高脂肪→大家会去买更健康且便宜的食物。

主体段 2:加税增加人们负担→现代人太忙了,快餐是最好节约时间的就餐方式→加班族、考研党→又很辛苦,还要支付更高额的食品开销。

主体段 3:影响快餐行业的发展→很多快餐连锁品牌,是当地经济的重要组成部分→麦当劳、汉堡王→可能带来经济的一定影响,包括当地就业的一定波动。


同样,给出主体段 2 的参考版本:

However, when heavier tax is imposed on the fast food, the financial pressure of the residents might increase. This can be attributed to the fact that modern people are too occupied with their career or study-related assignments, and fast food is their ideal option to save time and improve efficiency. One typical example is that many employees who have to work overtime and students preparing for exams might find take-away food time-saving. As a result, if the tax is raised, their monthly spending on food might become unaffordable.

特别需要强调的 3 点:

1. 写作速度越快,出错的概率更大,写完了之后,一定要留时间检查。

2. 上面的框架很死板,虽然不算是模板,但是多少有些嫌疑。也许不能帮助你拿到高分,但是常规分数是没问题的。

3. 上面的固定套路是随机示范的,请你务必根据自己的preference私人定制属于自己的套路。